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1. 队列

1.1 介绍


队列中元素先进先出 FIFO(first in, first out)的示意:


1.2 实现

// queue/Queue.ts

import LinkedList from '../linked-list/LinkedList';

export default class Queue {
  public linkedList: LinkedList;

  constructor() {
    // We're going to implement Queue based on LinkedList since the two
    // structures are quite similar. Namely, they both operate mostly on
    // the elements at the beginning and the end. Compare enqueue/dequeue
    // operations of Queue with append/deleteHead operations of LinkedList.
    this.linkedList = new LinkedList();

  isEmpty() {
    return !this.linkedList.head;

   * Read the element at the front of the queue without removing it.
  peek() {
    if (this.isEmpty()) {
      return null;

    return this.linkedList.head.value;

   * Add a new element to the end of the queue (the tail of the linked list).
   * This element will be processed after all elements ahead of it.
  enqueue(value: any) {

   * Remove the element at the front of the queue (the head of the linked list).
   * If the queue is empty, return null.
  dequeue() {
    const removedHead = this.linkedList.deleteHead();
    return removedHead ? removedHead.value : null;

  toString(callback?: (value: any) => any) {
    // Return string representation of the queue's linked list.
    return this.linkedList.toString(callback);

2. 栈

2.1 介绍


栈的元素后进先出(LIFO = last in, first out)操作的示意:


2.2 实现

// stack/Stack.ts

import LinkedList from '../linked-list/LinkedList';

export default class Stack {
  public linkedList: LinkedList;

  constructor() {
    // We're going to implement Stack based on LinkedList since these
    // structures are quite similar. Compare push/pop operations of the Stack
    // with prepend/deleteHead operations of LinkedList.
    this.linkedList = new LinkedList();

  isEmpty() {
    // The stack is empty if its linked list doesn't have a head.
    return !this.linkedList.head;

  peek() {
    if (this.isEmpty()) {
      // If the linked list is empty then there is nothing to peek from.
      return null;

    // Just read the value from the start of linked list without deleting it.
    return this.linkedList.head.value;

  push(value: any) {
    // Pushing means to lay the value on top of the stack. Therefore let's just add
    // the new value at the start of the linked list.

  pop() {
    // Let's try to delete the first node (the head) from the linked list.
    // If there is no head (the linked list is empty) just return null.
    const removedHead = this.linkedList.deleteHead();
    return removedHead ? removedHead.value : null;

  toArray() {
    return this.linkedList.toArray().map(linkedListNode => linkedListNode.value);

  toString(callback?: (value: any) => any) {
    return this.linkedList.toString(callback);

3. 优先队列

3.1 介绍

优先级队列(priority queue) 是一种抽象数据类型,它类似于常规的队列或栈,但每个元素都有与之关联的“优先级”。

在优先队列中,低优先级的元素前面应该是高优先级的元素。 如果两个元素具有相同的优先级,则根据它们在队列中的顺序即可。

优先队列虽通常用堆来实现,但它在概念上与堆不同。 优先队列是一个抽象概念,就像“列表”或“图”这样的抽象概念一样。


3.2 实现

// priority-queue/PriorityQueue.ts

import MinHeap from '../heap/MinHeap';
import Comparator, { TypeCompareParam } from '../utils/comparator/Comparator';

// It is the same as min heap except that when comparing two elements
// we take into account its priority instead of the element's value.
export default class PriorityQueue extends MinHeap {
  private priorities: Map<any, number>;

  constructor() {
    // Call MinHeap constructor first.

    // Setup priorities map.
    this.priorities = new Map();

    // Use custom comparator for heap elements that will take element priority
    // instead of element value into account. = new Comparator(this.comparePriority.bind(this));

   * Add item to the priority queue.
   * @param item - item we're going to add to the queue.
   * @param priority - items priority.
  add(item: TypeCompareParam, priority = 0) {
    this.priorities.set(item, priority);
    return this;

   * Remove item from priority queue.
   * @param item - item we're going to remove.
   * @param customFindingComparator - custom function for finding the item to remove
  remove(item: TypeCompareParam, customFindingComparator?: Comparator) {
    super.remove(item, customFindingComparator);
    return this;

   * Change priority of the item in a queue.
   * @param item - item we're going to re-prioritize.
   * @param priority - new item's priority.
  changePriority(item: TypeCompareParam, priority: number) {
    this.remove(item, new Comparator(this.compareValue));
    this.add(item, priority);
    return this;

   * Find item by ite value.
  findByValue(item: TypeCompareParam) {
    return this.find(item, new Comparator(this.compareValue));

   * Check if item already exists in a queue.
  hasValue(item: TypeCompareParam) {
    return this.findByValue(item).length > 0;

   * Compares priorities of two items.
  comparePriority(a: TypeCompareParam, b: TypeCompareParam) {
    if (this.priorities.get(a) === this.priorities.get(b)) {
      return 0;
    return this.priorities.get(a) < this.priorities.get(b) ? -1 : 1;

   * Compares values of two items.
  compareValue(a: TypeCompareParam, b: TypeCompareParam) {
    if (a === b) {
      return 0;
    return a < b ? -1 : 1;

4. 参考

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